2014 End of Degree Awards
“Santiago Gascon” End of Degree Award of Bachelor´s Degree in Biochemistry granted to Mr. Alejandro de Castro Crego
2013 End of Degree Awards
“Santiago Gascon” End of Degree Award of Bachelor´s Degree in Biochemistry granted to Mr. Ángel Álvarez Eguiluz
2012 End of Degree Awards
“Santiago Gascon” End of Degree Award of Bachelor´s Degree in Biochemistry granted to Mr. Jesús Gutiérrez Abril.
2011 End of Degree Awards
“Santiago Gascón” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry granted to Mr. Iván Menéndez Montes.
2010 End of Degree Awards
“Santiago Gascón” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry granted to Ms. Carmen González Tejedo.
“Francisco Mateo” End of Degree Award of Geologic Engineering granted to Mr. Fernando Mateos Medina.
“Clarín” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in French Philology. (Not awarded)
2009 End of Degree Awards
“Clarín” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in French Philology granted to Ms. Ariane Barrial Zivkovic.
2008 End of Degree Awards
“Clarín” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in French Philology granted to Ms. Ezmé Miguel Cortés.
2007 End of Degree Awards
“Clarín” End of Degree Award of the Bachelor’s Degree in French Philology granted to Ms. María Dolores Alonso González.